Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cr-48 Secrets - 1. Familiar with Cr-48's keyboard

The keyboard of the Cr-48 does not like those keyboards normally seen on other laptops, for example, there are no F keys, no Home, End, Insert, Delete and PrtSc keys etc. I feel that the Cr-48 sucks because both the touch pad and usb mouse are not stable. The cursor jumps to somewhere else or disappears when it is moving or when editing a text.

One day I was holding the control key and typing different keys to see if there is shortcuts or special functions and I found that ctrl + alt + / brings up a hidden screen keyboard.

When you hold ctrl, alt, shift key or any combination, this screen keyboard shows you the function for specific key.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cr-48 Short Cuts

Typing ctrl + alt + / on the Cr-48 brings up a screen keyboard. This screen keyboard tells you all the special function of different keys. For example,

ctrl + n: open a new window
ctrl + t: open a new tab
ctrl + u: view source
ctrl + o: open file viewer
ctrl + next window key: take a screen shot.